Heart of Heaven

Establishing sonic atmospheres and visual encounters that aim our attentions towards Heaven.

Cultivating an atmosphere of worship is a tall responsibility. As the Lifepoint Worship team of artists and writers focused their efforts on a new record, they realized their pursuit was to reflect the Heart of Heaven. We aimed our sights on setting the stage for listeners to encounter Heaven in a whole new way – clearing the lines, so to say, that they can be focused on the heart of God. Everything from the sonic atmosphere to visual iconographic systems was obsessively crafted to cultivate a worship experience that joins the now with the eternal.


Music Packaging
Product Design
Social Media Strategy

Art Direction: Matt M Higgins
Design: Matt M Higgins
Director & Editor: Ryan Vera
DP: Myles Shank
Producer: Sarah Ray
Assistant Director: Emily Brown
AC: Kennard Blackwell
Color: Sean Farney
Music: Lifepoint Worship

(Done in collaboration with Lifepoint Church)

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